Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's time....

For us to realize that our "baby" is no longer a baby but a real live Toddler! She's growing out of toys, clothes and shoes at an alarming rate.

She's eating with a spoon, and getting most of the food IN her mouth. In fact, she only wants to feed herself.

Daycare is teaching Lola all kinds of words, her body parts and even her colours. Grandmaman and Grandpa inadvertantly taught her to cross her arms, although she looks more like a rapper as she hasn't quite figured out how to tuck one arm under the other yet.

And yes, she's a handful. She ONLY has one speed. RUN. She refuses to hold my hand as we run down the street. On Monday, at Ontario place, she ran the opposite direction and when I said "bye" she waved, blew me a kiss and ran off in the direction of her choice, causing Wil to dash after her before she got too far.

Yes, she seems to have inherited a bit of a stubborn nature. Hmmm? Not sure where she got that. But she is constantly smiling when she shakes her head not and that kinda makes up for it....