Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Winter fun

Lola got a new sled. We thought it would be a great idea to take her out for a snowshoe over the holidays.

After all, it was mild and there was PILES of snow at the farm. So, off we went. We quickly realized there was a problem as we were sinking more than we were snowshoeing. Then, the worst possible thing happened. The sled got suspiciously light. We looked back. Lola was spread eagle, facedown in the snow. Once we got to her and rolled her over it was funny to see that she was pretty unsure of what was going on and TOTALLY fine. We decided to soldier on. I looked back just in time to see Lola's feet in the air as she summersaulted, backwards out of the sled.

We picked up our passenger and decided to head for home.

We had only gone about 200 feet.

Hopefully we'll have better luck when we head to the fish camp in Feb.

Until then, maybe we'll stick to the park.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


After a long day at work, I REALLY wonder if it's all going to be ok. Am I crazy for wanting to work in a place where I sometimes get SOO busy I forget to even go to the bathroom until I get home at night?

Some days, DEFINATELY.

Some days I spend my time commuting desperately trying to dream up other jobs I could get that would make things easier.

I am in AWE of people that do it all. I can BARELY get out of the house with 2 matching socks. I frequently worry that I'm going to run outthe door in my slippers and realize while I am waiting for the train that I forgot to change. I have a WHOLE new set of standards when it comes to organization and cleanliness. Really, how often do people that work all week actually clean their bathrooms and wash their floors. It's not like I'm there to dirty it anyway. Right?

I don't know. I miss Lola when I am at work. I miss that I'm not here to make her baby food and watch her learn new thinks. I'm sad that I miss the little changes that happen EVERY single day. I miss going on long walks, rolling around on the floor and singing the same damn nursery rhyme that she loves sooo much.


I DO appreciate not talking about "pee pees and poo poos" all day. I like having a little bit of my time when no one needs me to do anything and I can just.. sit.. or listen to music... or READ. I like that work is a place I am not "Mama", just Marie-Paule at ext 2449, who is probably not at her desk because she is running around a studio trying to get stuff done.

Is that selfish?

I'm TRULY happy
but I wish...
I wish

it was just a little bit easier.

That I could cook dinner and not feel rushed and starved at the end of day. That I had time to take photos again and paint my living room a colour I actually like. That I had time to do yoga and go for a run....

Monday, January 07, 2008

A bit of Holiday Fashion Fun

It's important that someone this small looks good ALL THE TIME....