Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ghouls, goblins and butterflies

Halloween in our neighbourhood is a BIG event. As the weather was fantastic, most people set up camp on their front porch, socialize and indulge in a few beverages. The street is usually filled with laughing children running helter skelter, patient parents on the sidewalks and the occasional scream as someone gets spooked.

Lola and I have been "practicing" trick or treating all week (with the help of the bathroom door) but she was shocked to emerge into a street party.

She did her rounds and quickly got the hang of holding out her bucket for candy.

Our neighbour David, was a larger than life Elmo which was both facinating and horrifying once she figured out how big he was. We spend a good deal of time asking "Where's Elmo?" only to find him and break down in tears 'cause he was so big. David decided to remove Elmos' head to show Lola that it was a costume. She carefully looked at David, then Elmos' head on the lawn chair and said "oh MAN....." (which is her new favorite saying)

Once our bucket was full we took a bit of time to enjoy some of the spoils and then it was out to roam the streets and visit with the other kids.

We can't wait for next year!