Sunday, July 29, 2007

The mother of all updates

We have had a busy few weeks! We celebrated Opa Bill's birthday with a BBQ and the Melis family. Even though it did rain we still had lots of good conversation, food and fun.

With our regular babysitter recovering from surgery, our parents have stepped in to take care of Lola while we continue to go to work. Sue was down 2 weeks ago and they had a great time together.

My parents were down for last week. Lola really enjoyed have her grandparents undivided attention.

It was a perfect time to visit as well as she has learned to crawl and is cruising around funiture like a pro.

And we put up containment devices( AKA gates...)


Wil and I are wondering where our "little baby" went. We find ourselves watching her sleep and being amazed at how big she looks to us now. We are delighted at how much FUN she is and feel very lucky to have such a happy and good natured child. She is constantly smiling, laughing, clapping and waving "bye bye". While I believe everyone has good days and bad, Lola's seem to start and end with a smile.

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