Sunday, September 16, 2007

Yummy? Yummy!

When Lola sees the ziplock that I keep the Cheerios in appear, her whole face lights up. She loves the challenge of trying to get them in her mouth. I just wish she would take in interest in putting other kinds of food and drink in her mouth. No matter how many times I try to get her to hold her own bottle, she would rather just sit there little a litter gerbil while I feed her. She's still her own little personality.

Similar expressions occur when we put on the Baby Einstein movie. She has been watching the same movie since she was 3 months old, once a day, while Wil and I eat dinner or clean up the kitchen. Each time she sees the catapiller logo, you would swear it was the first time. She starts gasping, clapping and double hand waving. She is beside herself with excitement until the credits roll by. Something tells me I should could my blessings as I am sure as she gets older, it will be more difficult to entertain her.....

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