Monday, February 04, 2008

The changes....

Are still happening at an alarming rate for me. Last year at this time, I was home with Lola, taking daily walks and religiously checking the weather channel to make sure it wasn't too cold. She was only 6 months old. Look at her now!

Although, I'm not sure WHEN she'll get her bottom teeth as she has a pretty big space between her 2 middle teeth and her molars.....

She is also started to talk. We have been babbling, very seriously, with hand gestures and head nods for about 2 months. Now we have a couple of actual WORDS. Not surprising, her first word was "Down" as in "Mommy, I need to keep running and I can't when you are holding on to me." Tonight she said "Bed" and ran to the stairs when I asked if she was ready for bed. We're hoping it stays this easy.....

Here is a little selection of some of her favorite things to do....

But we really like to try on Daddy's shoes....


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is now! She's more a little girl, not so much a baby anymore! Looking forward to seeing you guys soon!

Heather said...

Told you it happens fast...Rowan already has teeth!