Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Week 2

We are settling into a great routine. Lola eats, we sleep- and repeat. Breastfeeding remains a struggle. While this is suppose to be a natural thing- I am learning that it is HARD. Hence the fact that there are all kinds of lactation consultants out there. According to my midwife- Lola desires immediate gratification and if she does not receive this, she starts to wail and pound me with her little fist-even if it means not eating. Hmmmm, where in the world did this child acquire such a streak of independence?

We had a flurry of visitors to meet Lola. My parents( Grandmaman Lola and Grandpa Gary) were down for the first week. I don't think I would have made it without them. Wil only had 3 days off and I was not mobile enough to carry Lola around. My parents made sure that we all had something to eat, got some sleep and generally maintained our sanity. I love my family for taking such good care of us and being there when we really needed some extra help. Opa Bill and Faye made a trip down midway though week 2 and we had a lovely Greek takeout dinner. Grandma Sue and Aunt Sarah came down for a Swiss Chalet Thanksgiving dinner. I asked Raquel to pick up a few extra sleepers as alot of Lola's clothes were too big. Raquel and Melissa returned with and ENTIRE new girly wardrobe for our little princess. The above photos were taken on Thanksgiving Sunday in her party dress awaiting the arrival of Grandma Sue and Aunt Sarah.

We are already noticing Lola growing and changing. The midwife came yesterday and she has already gained a pound. Plus, she is starting to get all those lovely little baby rolls around her wrists and her neck. She can now focus on our faces with a look of intense curiosity. Her facial expressions are hysterical, switching from a smile-usually signaling a upcoming toot, to a wail to a look of utter confusion in the time it takes us to give each expression a name.

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