Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Another one!

Another tooth, that is! We noticed it on Saturday morning. Each day when I check they have grown in a bit more. Guess we'll have to wait and see when the next one arrives.

This is Lola and Wil 2 weekends ago when we found a new path down by the lake. I was the perfect day for a walk and we all enjoyed ourselves.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Going to the Zoo, how 'bout you?

So, we did it. We got a zoo membership. As I have already been 3 times, it has now paid for itself. Dave and Heather were visiting on the weekend and convinced Wil he should get a membership too. I swear, I never would have guessed that I would like going to the zoo in a million years but I quite enjoy it. It'll be really fun when we can take Lola to the splash park when the weather is hot.....

And I think Lola seems to like it as well.

We had a busy weekend with Dave, Heather, Miles and the Bump visiting. Plus we got to have the downtown folk visit for Sat afternoon in the backyard. Heather and I even got to go for dinner with Penny and Noelle when the boys offered to babysit. All in all, a very successful weekend!!

Monday, May 21, 2007

One down!

Lola got her first tooth today! We noticed it this morning, rather, Wil did when she was chomping on his finger and it was a little sharp. It is her bottom left tooth and I can see the right one ready to break through any day now.

Monday, May 14, 2007

She's saucy...

and she knows it. This was Lola celebrating Mothers day.

Checking things out

Lola loves to inspect things, especially grass when we go to the park.....

yum yum!

Lola tries her first cookie, a "Mum Mum" She hasn't quiet figured out how to get in in her mouth, but shes is getting closer, and she was pretty excited to try.

Sunday morning

Relaxing on a Sunday morning....

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


The weather was perfect for a trip to the Zoo on Sunday. It was wonderfully sunny and warm. Since Wil need some extra "sleep"( read... he was out way late and his body was definately paying for it, let's face it, we are not 18 anymore so we probably shouldn't treat our bodies that way...) Raquel, Melissa, Lola and I headed off for our own little adventure. I'm not too sure if Lola even noticed the animals, but she did dig all the cool reflections in the water!

Us "Big Kids loved having Lola around as an excuse to ride the hippo and take lots of photos....

Wil did decide to wash the car and enjoy the lovely weather as well. Lola supervised....

Wil is away in Halifax until tomorrow so I was responsible for dropping Lola off and picking her up. I also had the car to drive to the Go which was great. And I solved the mystery on where people park. I found another entire lot of 700 hundred and some spots! Yeah for me! It is a bit of a walk but still beats taking the bus! All these little things I don't know about Pickering that I am slowly finding out as time goes on.