Monday, December 01, 2008

Royal Winter Fair

We had Melis visitors a few weeks back and decided to head down to the Royal Winter Fair. Lola almost LOST HER MIND with all the animals. We saw the "Super Dogs" show which I was convinced she would NOT sit through. Turns out I was dead wrong as she spent most of the show laughing, clapping and cheering along. Plus there was bunnies, cows and a entire petting zoo to feed. A good time had by all!

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Ghouls, goblins and butterflies

Halloween in our neighbourhood is a BIG event. As the weather was fantastic, most people set up camp on their front porch, socialize and indulge in a few beverages. The street is usually filled with laughing children running helter skelter, patient parents on the sidewalks and the occasional scream as someone gets spooked.

Lola and I have been "practicing" trick or treating all week (with the help of the bathroom door) but she was shocked to emerge into a street party.

She did her rounds and quickly got the hang of holding out her bucket for candy.

Our neighbour David, was a larger than life Elmo which was both facinating and horrifying once she figured out how big he was. We spend a good deal of time asking "Where's Elmo?" only to find him and break down in tears 'cause he was so big. David decided to remove Elmos' head to show Lola that it was a costume. She carefully looked at David, then Elmos' head on the lawn chair and said "oh MAN....." (which is her new favorite saying)

Once our bucket was full we took a bit of time to enjoy some of the spoils and then it was out to roam the streets and visit with the other kids.

We can't wait for next year!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Another summer come and gone...

I can't believe it has been over 3 months since I last did a post! I have no excuses other than the usual(busy with work, busy with life, busy working mother of an active 2 year old) but it is nice to take a bit of time to catch up.

Lola loves to run, usually away from us! She's a constant mimac and parrot. She learned how to water the garden, not that we got to do it that often with all the rain we had this summer!

We also went camping with Daphne and Owen on the August long weekend. We loved spending time with quality people we don't get to see nearly enough now that we are no longer in Ottawa. Lola loved being outside and we were blessed with little rain, but the beach was was little chilly.

We did find some other ways to pass our time....

Lola decided that THE BEST place to sit was in the middle of the road. This way, she could keep a good eye on everyone that might wander by and pay some attention to her. Luckily, there was very little traffic, but it was still hard to convince her that the campfire was more fun!

Monday, June 30, 2008

My beach babe

Lola is enjoying testing out the backyard pool

As well as going to the beach and playing with friends. As Dannick, JM and Erin were down for the weekend, they had a great time rolling around in the sand.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's time....

For us to realize that our "baby" is no longer a baby but a real live Toddler! She's growing out of toys, clothes and shoes at an alarming rate.

She's eating with a spoon, and getting most of the food IN her mouth. In fact, she only wants to feed herself.

Daycare is teaching Lola all kinds of words, her body parts and even her colours. Grandmaman and Grandpa inadvertantly taught her to cross her arms, although she looks more like a rapper as she hasn't quite figured out how to tuck one arm under the other yet.

And yes, she's a handful. She ONLY has one speed. RUN. She refuses to hold my hand as we run down the street. On Monday, at Ontario place, she ran the opposite direction and when I said "bye" she waved, blew me a kiss and ran off in the direction of her choice, causing Wil to dash after her before she got too far.

Yes, she seems to have inherited a bit of a stubborn nature. Hmmm? Not sure where she got that. But she is constantly smiling when she shakes her head not and that kinda makes up for it....

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Team Melis: the changes

The past few months have included alot of changes for team Melis. After 2 months of "Daddy daycare" Wil started a new job. YEAH! MUCH closer to home, he has managed to shave off over an hour of commuting which we all get to enjoy the benefits of. Lola started a new daycare as our babysitter decided to go back to work. We were VERY sad to move Lola as Judith has given her a warm loving home, home cooked meals(sometimes for us too!) and lots of guidance. But, we felt is was also time for Lola to start spending time with other kids.

We settled on Muppets which Lola also has a friend at(from baby group) and is on Wil's way to and from work. I'll admit, the first 2 weeks were rough on all of us. Funny, I found it much harder to leave her now than I did when I first went to work. I think it is because she is just one of many children now. I worry, about things I didn't before like....
Is she eating?
Is her diaper being changed enough?
Is she sharing?
Is she making friends?
Is she napping?
Did I tell them that she Baby Van Gogh makes her scream and cry but Old Mac Donald is a hit? Do they watch TV?
Is she happy? Does she think we are abandoning her with a bunch of strangers? Does she know HOW MUCH we adore her when we are not there?

The answers are all good. Yes, she's eating everthing, but fruit from a bowl 'cause she just likes to squish it if it's on her tray. Yes, we got the diaper thing sorted so no more diaper rash. She seems to be getting along and is happy all day so I think that means she is making some friends and sharing(or dumping) toys. She's napping but not as well as she does at home.

The other day when I picked her up, she saw me from across the room and ran over with a smile and a laugh right into my arms. A new feeling of joy for me. Kinda like when you go to pick up a friend at the airport and you see them in a crowd of people. It takes a minute before you both see each other, then get to each other and and then it is just hugs and laughter and jumping around. But Lola is like that every day! Lola's joy is so pure and open, as is her anger when things don't go to her liking! It am amazed that we have a child that is so curious and happy. Yes, some of that she has learned from us, but alot of it is really ALL her own personality now.

I'm amazed,
filled with laughter,
and truly

Thursday, March 13, 2008

An actual smile!

Lola LOVES the camera!

But now when she sees it all she will do it this

it's been a challenge to capture an actual smile... but here it is!

Zoe's snow day

Lola recieved this book when she got her first library card. For awhile, it was her favorite. Everyone that read it to her found themselves walking around and chanting "Where is zoe going?" Over and over again. It's catching. Here's our version

Lola's Snowy Day

Where is Lola going?

Riding in her sled

Big hill

Skating rink

Snowy dreams in bed

Monday, February 04, 2008

The changes....

Are still happening at an alarming rate for me. Last year at this time, I was home with Lola, taking daily walks and religiously checking the weather channel to make sure it wasn't too cold. She was only 6 months old. Look at her now!

Although, I'm not sure WHEN she'll get her bottom teeth as she has a pretty big space between her 2 middle teeth and her molars.....

She is also started to talk. We have been babbling, very seriously, with hand gestures and head nods for about 2 months. Now we have a couple of actual WORDS. Not surprising, her first word was "Down" as in "Mommy, I need to keep running and I can't when you are holding on to me." Tonight she said "Bed" and ran to the stairs when I asked if she was ready for bed. We're hoping it stays this easy.....

Here is a little selection of some of her favorite things to do....

But we really like to try on Daddy's shoes....

Weekend adventures

We decided to take Lola to the ROM. Raquel, Wil and I wanted to see the Dinosaurs exhibit and we hadn't been inside the crystal addition since it had been open. We headed out early on a very chilling Saturday morning to be there when it opened at 10. We found that were weren't the only ones with this idea on a day when going to the park was not an option. There was a line up of strollers to get in. We stopped at McDonalds for a coffee. But it was fun once we got inside and looked around. From what I saw of the dinosaurs as Lola and I and ran by, it was great exhibit, very impressive. Lola seemed to like the empty hallway leading to the bathrooms best. I was very glad I had spent $20.00 to run up a white empty hallway. Luckily, we took turns chasing Lola so I did get to have a quick look about and do a small amount of reading. Unfortunately, I forgot the camera, but I think lots of other people have photos of Lola as everytime she saw a camera, she beelined over, inserted herself in the middle of the photos and started to strike poses. I'm not kidding. According to Wil, most families found it entertaining but one decided to up and leave. Apparently, our posing bandit was the last straw in a busy morning.

This weekend we got PILES of snow! So we headed to the park to play. We made our first snow angel. Lola wasn't too sure about it it....

we played on the swing, played on the slide and ran around

and then it was time to go home

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Winter fun

Lola got a new sled. We thought it would be a great idea to take her out for a snowshoe over the holidays.

After all, it was mild and there was PILES of snow at the farm. So, off we went. We quickly realized there was a problem as we were sinking more than we were snowshoeing. Then, the worst possible thing happened. The sled got suspiciously light. We looked back. Lola was spread eagle, facedown in the snow. Once we got to her and rolled her over it was funny to see that she was pretty unsure of what was going on and TOTALLY fine. We decided to soldier on. I looked back just in time to see Lola's feet in the air as she summersaulted, backwards out of the sled.

We picked up our passenger and decided to head for home.

We had only gone about 200 feet.

Hopefully we'll have better luck when we head to the fish camp in Feb.

Until then, maybe we'll stick to the park.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


After a long day at work, I REALLY wonder if it's all going to be ok. Am I crazy for wanting to work in a place where I sometimes get SOO busy I forget to even go to the bathroom until I get home at night?

Some days, DEFINATELY.

Some days I spend my time commuting desperately trying to dream up other jobs I could get that would make things easier.

I am in AWE of people that do it all. I can BARELY get out of the house with 2 matching socks. I frequently worry that I'm going to run outthe door in my slippers and realize while I am waiting for the train that I forgot to change. I have a WHOLE new set of standards when it comes to organization and cleanliness. Really, how often do people that work all week actually clean their bathrooms and wash their floors. It's not like I'm there to dirty it anyway. Right?

I don't know. I miss Lola when I am at work. I miss that I'm not here to make her baby food and watch her learn new thinks. I'm sad that I miss the little changes that happen EVERY single day. I miss going on long walks, rolling around on the floor and singing the same damn nursery rhyme that she loves sooo much.


I DO appreciate not talking about "pee pees and poo poos" all day. I like having a little bit of my time when no one needs me to do anything and I can just.. sit.. or listen to music... or READ. I like that work is a place I am not "Mama", just Marie-Paule at ext 2449, who is probably not at her desk because she is running around a studio trying to get stuff done.

Is that selfish?

I'm TRULY happy
but I wish...
I wish

it was just a little bit easier.

That I could cook dinner and not feel rushed and starved at the end of day. That I had time to take photos again and paint my living room a colour I actually like. That I had time to do yoga and go for a run....

Monday, January 07, 2008

A bit of Holiday Fashion Fun

It's important that someone this small looks good ALL THE TIME....