The past few weeks have been hectic as Wil has been renovating the bathroom. He has been working VERY hard to put in a new tile floor, a new vanity and a new toilet. This meant that he has been working evenings and weekends because we were down to one toilet and one sink on the mail floor, which was sometimes a little challenging. It's almost done and looks great. I'm eternally grateful to have such a handy guy in my life. We seem to have divided the tasks well, he does the dirty figuring and I make it look pretty by painting and hanging art. Seems like a great deal to me.
The girls and I are settling into a nice little grove, just in time for the weather to warm up. We try to spend out mornings out of the house doing something. We hit the park, the mall, the library or meet up with friends. I'm happy to have reconnected with alot of my mommy group friends so Lola has been able to have a few park play dates. She really looks foward to this. She is fearless in the park now and will climb anything. Even if she falls, she's right back up there to try it again "by MYself". Having the car a few days a week has blasted open our park options and we have found some great ones here that have climbing walls and curving bumpy slides. They have some along way from when I was a kid !
Stella seems to be hitting all her miles stones so much faster than I remember with Lola. I have already started packing away her newborn clothing and sleepers with a little sigh. I love this stage where she is so little and looks and us with such absolute trust and wonder. Her smiles are so genuine and sweet and each time she gets the giggles, she gets the hiccups. She is also started sleeping from 8:00 pm to 5:00 am which makes me a well rested Mom.

A few days ago I walked into the kitchen to this....

When I asked Lola what she was doing she said "Talkin' to Stella Suuusan" When I asked what Stella was saying she said "I don't know"
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