Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Thinking Pink

Week 3

When Sarah asked me last week if I was going to "do the pink thing" for Lola I realized that things have changed. I distinctly remember not being a "girly girl" when I was little. I loved having long hair- but hated having anyone play with it, braid it or even brush it. I think it drove my Mother crazy. I was always dismayed when my Grandma returned from Florida with (yet another) frilly dress that I knew I would have to wear on special occasions.

But now that I have my own daughter to dress- I seem to have changed my tune. I have fallen victim to the deluge of pink clothes that have been arriving. Before I knew that Lola was a girl(well other than my sixth sense) her wardrobe was mainly green, yellow and white. I thought this was perfectly fine. In fact, I was looking for some of the colours I tend to favor- black, brown and red and wondering why I couldn't find them. Now I know. Little girls simply look adorable in pink. In fact last week I bought her pink socks with lady bugs on them and didn't think twice about it. With each new outfit that arrives( it seems other people are finding this irresitable too) I giggle and can't wait to try it on her -or for her to grow into it. Hopefully, she'll forgive me when she gets older.....


Heather said...

Pink Schmink....I'm a fan of white. But I bet that kid looks cute in just about anything.

If you are looking for black stuff. Babes in Black in Toronto has great stuff.....

La Novia said...

Love pink! She's a wee baba! Let your girly side come out full force for awhile! It's fun! She's a beauty already!