Tuesday, November 28, 2006

M-P + Wil = Lola

It has been brought to my attention that Lola looks a tad like me when I was small. However, she does (for the moment) still have Wils' sparkling eyes and curious way of looking at her surroundings. We'll just have to wait and see what happens as she continues to grow....

We took our first road trip to Windsor on the weekend for Grandma Sue's surprise birthday party. Alot of "firsts" for Lola were involved. First long car ride( which included an 1.5 hour detour off the 401), first time meeting the Schwab family, first large party, first time sleeping away from home. All in all she did fantastic. She was mesmerized by Sarah's blue and white curtains for most of the party. She slept her first entire night at Seb and Sarahs house! Hopefully there will be more of these to come....I can't believe how good I feel after 8 hours of sleep. I thought something was wrong at first then I realized I just felt rested for the first time in many months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The drive home to Windsor was always a treat....once the weather gets better, the rest stops are easier (picnic tables all the way!). If you leave at the right time, you can get them to sleep the whole way.