Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Week 7

Some days are like this....now I have to tools to try and avoid this from happening!

I don't know if anyone watched Oprah yesterday. (Probably not as you all have to go to work) Anyway, you need to see this "Secret Language of Babies". An Austrailian Mom named Priscilla Dunstan, who has a photographic memory, has uncovered this "language" Apparently, there are 5 sounds that a baby makes that mean different things.
They are:
Neh="I'm hungry"
Owh="I'm sleepy"
Heh="I'm experiencing discomfort"
Eair="I have lower gas"
Eh="I need to burp"

Now, before you say this is all bunk, you need to check it out. Lola makes all the sounds. Listen to them at Oprahs web page so you can see for yourself. I was so amazed I taped it and made Wil watch it when he got home. http://www2.oprah.com/tows/slide/200611/20061113/slide_20061113_350_101.jhtml

Here is the link to Priscillas personal page which has more info....

I KNEW Lola was trying to say something.....

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