Monday, April 23, 2007

Week 1 at daycare

Well, we all made it through the first week. Of all of us, it seems the easiest transition was actually for Lola. She's drinking bottles, having naps and coming home with a smile on her face. All good things for us. She did wake up a little early one night but that could also be that she is teething.

This was this morning as we were getting ready to go. I got her dressed in a cute dress which she didn't get to wear too long as she had a "blow out" that required a wardrobe change. Oh well, we'll keep trying...

As for me, the days are going to be long with the commute but work is going to be great. I will be busy and not just sitting at my desk which will be a breath of fresh air from my last job.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Can't wait to hear about the new job...sounds exciting. Glad the adjustment is going well.